Friday, September 7, 2012

Two GREAT Positives in my life!

Positive #1: I LOVE to work out but I feel that I get into a rut and stop the process for a week or two. Well I just got out of one of those ruts and went to the gym today. I had a rough day at work and almost skipped out. I left late from school because of a quick meeting with my principal and almost talked myself out of heading the gym's way. I really just felt a need to travel back and before I knew it I was in the parking lot. Let me tell you, leaving was a whole other feeling.

When I left the gym my mood had done a complete 180 degrees and I was pumped. I felt good about how the school day went even with the bumps in the road I came too. I was excited about how my body felt after the workout, like it had missed it. Why had I stopped for these first weeks of school? My stress level would have been down!

Positive #2: My mother text me today and gave me some wonderful news.... Jillian Michaels is returning to one of my favorite shows, The Biggest Loser! Watching that show and listening to her podcasts have helped me stay active and remember to take care of me. When I was younger I was very overweight until I hit high school. My mother and I started walking every night and we began reading books by Jillian and watching her on The Biggest Loser. She is so motivational and helps me keep a positive attitude.

What are some of the positives in your life?

1 comment:

  1. Positives in my life...My faith and my family! I do enjoy a good work out by taking long walks on the beach or in the woods.
