Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday Success! (A week in review)

This week was the third week of school for me and it is still as busy as ever. When does that busy schedule stop?? I had a lot of success in my classroom this week and here are my top five, some school related and some not.

1. I started BUILD in my math class. This is similar to the Daily 5 in Reading. My students have been introduces to "L" - learning about numbers and "I" - independent work/reading. Even as a 5th/6th grade teacher my students love to read books about math topics and play with dice. If you have not heard of Build visit Adventures in Teaching which helped me get some ideas!

2. Reading has begun to smooth out and I have started word work with my class. This was a huge goal for me this year and I spent a few summer days preparing for this part of reading. My students have enjoyed working with magnetic letters as well as boggle!

3. I started going back to the gym!!! Let me tell you that this was a difficult task for me even though I worked out DAILY over the summer. The first two weeks of school took all my energy but now I am back in my workout routine and I feel great!

4. My mother is in town this weekend and that means a lot of shopping ahead. I have been looking forward to her arrival since last Sunday and my daughter and I are both ecstatic that she is here! So I am off to the stores today.

5. My husband was home this week. He was actually out of town for the first two weeks of school and that took a lot of energy out of me. You never realize how much easier it is when there are two parents at home. All I know is I appreciate him more than ever and I was so happy he was home with us this week.

Well I am off to start my day and take a short break from school work! Happy Saturday!
What was your success for the week?

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