Monday, September 17, 2012

Fiction Fun!

It is always a great idea to review the genres of fiction and non-fiction. I have taught fifth grade for five years and still have noticed that students need a review to remember if fiction is made up or true. I started the week with a genre review. What is fiction? What is non-fiction? Students did a reflection write after deciding if a book of their choice was fiction or non-fiction.

On Thursday, I gave my students a picture book that was fictional. Before they read the book we discussed the different genres found under fiction. We talked about what historical fiction meant and why realistic fiction is a popular genre to read. After that they were given the task of reading their given book. I made sure to include a variety in the class so that when we shared all genres were discussed.

Once they decided what the genre was, each student was given a post it and wrote their title, author, and a sentence explaining a clue that helped determine the genre. Students took that post it and placed it on that genre. Each student was also given a genre sheet that shared the genre and a descriptive sentence so that they could have a helpful reference tool.

The start of reading the next day was fabulous because everyone wanted to share the book they had recently read and why they placed in the genre they did. I also saw students help one another out when the post it was placed in the wrong genre. They coached one another through the genre descriptions to place the book in the right genre.

How do you review genres?

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