Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Success! (A week in review)

My oh my! This week has been tough! Our school has officially put a month underneath our belts and it has been a busy one. It is interesting how many assemblies and pep rallies my school has when we are trying to set a routine in our room. This week had some great things happen in the classroom and at home!

1. A member of the Harlem Globetrotters came to visit our school. It was an amazing experience. I have never seen the fifth and sixth graders so engaged at an assembly. This globetrotter showed us some amazing basketball tricks and talked to our school about saying no to drugs. He even had the students come up and try out some cool tricks. What an experience!

2. My students took their Reading and Math Acuity tests this week. These tests show us an overview of what standards they need or have mastered so we can prepare them for the state test in the spring. I was very impressed with how my class did.

3. My husband was home this week! It is amazing to me how much easier things are when he is in town for the week. He helps me relax and make my tough days better. I appreciate him so much!

4. My school had open house this week and the turn out was amazing! The parents that came to visit my room were really excited about the things we have happening there. This is the first year my school has had a multigrade and even though I am the guinea pig it is starting to become something parents are excited about!

5. I got my materials prepared for interactive math journals so I can start them next week. I have been reading up about them a lot and keep popping over to Runde's Room for some great ideas. I am excited to see how this helps my students starting next week.

Although life is getting busier it is nice to sit and write about the positives. It makes you realize what great things are really happening! Happy Saturday!

What was a success for you this week?

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