Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Descriptive Popcorn

When Open House was approaching I wanted something to share with the school and parents that popped! My students needed some review with parts of speech and I found this amazing idea on pinterest that would hit all the needs I wanted. The pin has been taken down since because the blog was no longer up and running so I improvised.

I started with an outline of a piece of popcorn. As a class, we brainstormed adjectives that described popcorn. Things that would answer the question of taste, smell, see, etc. Students wrote their adjectives on the outside of the outline. We then began talking about a descriptive paragraph. Our whole class created a paragraph describing skittles to someone without telling them the food. At the end of the paragraph we told the object/food we were describing. I had my students use this format to write their popcorn paragraph.

Once the paragraph was written, the student and I had a conference about revisions and edits then the student wrote their final draft on the popcorn paper. This popcorn became a big feature of our adjectives display in the hallway. My class and I were very excited how it turned out! What do you think?

How do you review adjectives in your classroom?

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