Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November Currently

Happy Election Day All!! Get out there and get your voice heard. After hearing allllllll of those political ads I hope we all got out and voted. I am teaming up with Farley for this month's currently!

Currently I am listening to the recent episode of Bones. It is such a great show and I can still get school work done while watching it! Check it out.

I am loving Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte during this fabulous weather. I enjoy that I can wear a sweater and boots and call it good.

I am thinking, "What activities can I do with my class outside?" With this weather I feel we should spend as much time outside as possible.

I am wanting a stress free school day. This means I want one day with no meetings and no interruptions so the day runs smoothly. Does that exist?

I feel the need right now to cuddle up with a good book and sit on the couch to read. This would be a fun book and not an educational one. :-)

Last but not least I am listening to Florence and the Machine. If you have not stumbled across this band do so right now. Thank me later!

Happy Election Day and don't forget to have your voice heard!


  1. Your blog is adorable! I voted!! :)

    I love Bones too. My hubby and I watch it all the time!


  2. I would love a stress free day, too! I have only taught for four years and I don't think I have seen one yet! The kiddos are so unpredictable! It sure keeps us on our toes! I read about your leadership coaching, that is wonderful! I love having vistors leave sweet comments after they are in my room. It's nice to know that someone appreciates our hard work!


    Laughing with Lane
